Yara is a producer, writer and voice artist who focusses on readings with music. She believes that words and music naturally flow into one another, above one another and side by side, creating landscapes of sounds. If you listen closely, Shakespeare’s sonnets are surrounded by jazz trumpet, piano and drums. With this concept, since 2016, together with the Berlin jazz musician Christian Meyers, Yara has created a reading project: ‘Word Music Sound Places’, resulting in conceptual pieces using layers of voice and sound.

Lyric words and Sounds
Ein Rilke Jazzabend, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Tischlerei
Rainer Maria Rilke has been interpreted by Ilja Richter and Yara Blümel and the designer Raija Holm, who translates Rilke’s world into vibrant stage projections.

Lyric words & music, video art & lyrics
In honor of the poetess Else Lasker-Schüler, Berliner Dom
With unique video art and music, the poems of Else Lasker-Schüler can be experienced in a very special way.

A Midsummernight’s Reverie
Shakespeare and Jazz with artful stage projections, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Tischlerei
Shakespeare’s wonderful written play about lovers & lunatics are narrated by two actresses and one actor, wrappeded in Christian Meyers’ sensitive music. Impressive stage projections by Raija Holm support this evening with special visual components. Here with the well known actress Marianne Sägebrecht.

Hell In Die Nacht
Lyrics, Jazz and Chanson, Mauerwerk Herrenberg
Yara Blümel interprets Shakespeare’s timeless work in her own sensual way sheathed by touching music.